The Kearney Matcat Wrestling Club is excited to announce the addition of two new programs for the 2022-2023 school year.

The Matcats will now be offering a "Year Around" program for our most serious wrestlers. This program will include the Fall Golden Eagles Wrestling Program, the Advanced Season for the Kearney Matcats & the Spring Golden Golden Eagles Wrestling Program. Golden Eagles is a fall/spring program that runs on Sundays & Tuesdays and is ran by UNK Wrestling Coaches Dalton Jensen & Andrew Sorenson, as well as former Matcat, Bearcat and current UNK All-American Nick James. Golden Eagles also includes wrestlers from the Central Nebraska area, providing additional practice partners. The "Year Around" program is estimated to have 70-80 practices throughout the year. The cost for this program is $440 with an estimated value of over $540. Less than $7 per practice!!

The Matcats are also excited to announce the addition of a Girls Only program. This program will take place on Mondays starting in January and running for 11 weeks. Girls wrestlig is now a sanctioned sport by the NSAA and is one of the fastest growing scholastic sports in the United States. This program is only $50 and a great opportunity for a quickly growing sport!
These two additions are in addition to the three current Kearney Matcat Programs.
- PreK to 2nd Grade
- 3rd to 8th Grade
- Advanced Program
For more details on all of our programs please visit our registration page.